Saturday, February 9, 2008

Oracle ESB Deployment Methods

Oracle ESB Deployment can be done from one environment to another using either of the following four methods.

Method-1: Jdeveloper – Only One service can be deployed at one time to the Integration Server Connection.

Method-2: ANT Script – Multiple services can be deployed at one time to the server by configuring the build.xml

Method-3: Using export and Import Utility – This requires to have the service deployed either of the above methods for the first time. Once deployed to an environment, one can use export and import utility to move the code to other environments.

Method-4: Zip file copy method – By droping the Service Zip file at the appropriate location AS will take care of the deployment. This is the simplest of all methods.

Method-1: Using Jdeveloper
Use the following procedure to deploy on to the server.

  1. Create the integration server connection
  2. Create the ESB Project
  3. Right click on the project to click on the integration server connection
  4. This will deploy the project(service) into the server.5. Once you get the confirmation, test the service using below6. (here Service1 is the project)

Method-2: Using ANT Script
Use the following procedure to deploy on the server.

  1. Copy the file from Shared folder to local machine. Download this file in to local machine from ESBDeployment location.
  2. Extract this file into C:\ in local machine. file contains several jar files grouped into different folders like JAXB_CLIENT, HTTPCLIENT_LIB, SOA_LIB etc. It also has, build.xml file and buildesb.bat file to execute deployment script.
  3. After extracting the file first open file and change following properties in build.propertiesworkspace – Change it to root of application workspace where all the Web Service are developedOther properities like oc4j parameters are environment specific and need to be changed depending upon the target location.
  4. Open ESBMetadataMigrationTaskdefs.xml file and verify the value of following properties in the file - commons.httpclient.home - jaxb.v2.0.2.home- soa.suite.home
  5. Open the build.xml and modify the followigng tags under deployESBProjects tag by actual ESB project name to be deployed
  6. Open buildesb.bat and set J2EE_HOME and ANT_HOME path as per local machine.
  7. Execute the buildesb.bat and ESB service will be deployed.
  8. At the end of execution message should appear stating that Build is Successful.
  9. Test the code after few minutes.
  10. Make sure if testing is performed through browser then copy the test link and perform test in new browser.
  11. All the JAR files contained in zip are mandatory for deployment.

Method-3: Using export/import utility
Use the following procedure to deploy on the server.

  1. Use the utilities in the server to do this process
  2. Test the Service using (here Service1 is the project)

Method-4: .ear file copy
Copy the .zip file (.ear file in .zip format) to the esb deploy folder.
Example :- /SERVER/integration/esb/oraesb/deploy
Example zip file:-

This method will automatically deploys to all the instances in a cluster, if the architecture is HAA or MAA.

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